Educating and Entertaining
Grades 1 - 12 for over 40 years
401 - 484 - 8749
We are currently booking presentations in the following states:
Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York
Colorado, California
These 45 minute school assembly presentations are filled with exciting visual demonstrations and lots of audience participation. Not only will your students be amazed and amused by the shows, they will have lots to think about and actually learn something in the process.
Each presentation includes an educational TEACHER’S GUIDE which you may reproduce at the school. It reviews everything that was covered in the show as well as hand out sheets for the students to encourage classroom discussions so that the students get more out of the presentation than “just a show.”
Our presenters, personally selected and trained by our show directors, are professional performers from around the country who know how to entertain and educate.
The following presentations are available for the 2009-2010 school year. Please fill out the PRESENTATION INQUIRY FORM below and we’ll contact you about the possibilities!